Saturday, January 10, 2009

Missing the runs - and needing prayers

It is amazing that even after being a runner for such a short time (4 weeks now?) that I miss it when I don't get it in. I did well at the beginning of the week...running at the HZ even if I missed the runs with the group. Thursday I was prepared to run with the group when I realized that I wasn't going to be at school on Friday and needed to set up for my sub. I didn't get finished with that until about 8:30 and went home to sulk. The outcome of the football game didn't help my mood much. Neither did the fact that my husband came home from work sick.

For those of you who don't know, my husband has cancer of the terminal ileum, which is the last third of the small intestine, and it is being treated as if it were colon cancer. He was first diagnosed in August of 06. It was surgically removed, he had 6 months of chemo, and he was declared in remission. Jan of 08 they spotted a suspicious area on a routine PET scan. Mar of 08, it was still there and bigger. May of 08 he had surgery and we were told it was another tumor and was attached to his femoral artery (the big one running from your leg to your heart) and couldn't be removed surgically...too risky. He had 5 weeks of radiation + chemo, then went on a regimine of more chemo - every other week. He had a PET scan in Dec of 08 which showed that the tumor was getting smaller, changing color and all of this was good.

So, Thursday night he came home from work sick. I told him it was convenient that he was "sick" on the night that OU was playing in the National Championship Game. (I can be very rude sometimes.) He didn't even really watch the game - which told me there might really be an issue. Friday morning I went to my workshop at TU (I am going back for my Master's degree), and was called out of the workshop to meet him at the ER, because he REALLY did not feel well. Twelve hours later (midnight thirty), we were sent to a room.

So, here we sit. He is sleeping. I have nothing to do but watch him sleep and worry. He has a new bowel obstruction, which is how this whole cancer thing started 2 1/2 years ago. We won't know for sure what this obstruction is until there is a procedure of some sort. Could be as simple as a scope, could be as dangerous as another exploratory surgery. Probably won't know anything until Sunday or even Monday. So, there is the prayer request.

I keep saying that running is hard, and not wanting to be a "bad apple" (just teasing you, Sandra) I want everyone to know that while it is hard, I enjoy it and look forward to running for the rest of my life. I missed running on Thursday night and was going to run Friday afternoon to make up for it. I missed running Friday afternoon and now am missing running today with the group. It was going to be the "long" 4 mile run! I asked Carmen to run an extra four for me. I hope you all made the four or more miles that you were doing today. Maybe if one of my family members can come up and sit with Brian for an hour or so, I can at least go over to the HZ and get in my 3 miles on the treadmill.


Susan Michaels said...

I hope things will go well for your husband I definately will send up a few prayers for him.

Hope you can make it out sometime but I know family is first that is the important thing to remember and concentrate on getting your husband better.

Bobby said...

Hang in there. We will see you when the time is right for you to return.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and your husband, LeeAnne. Let us know if we can help in any way.

Chrissy (Cooper) Whitten said...

Hang in there! Many prayers being sent up for you all!