Sunday, January 25, 2009

The best laid plans

What is a normal schedule? I really was going to get back on a schedule last week. Didn't happen. I did get the elastic sewn onto my daughter's toe shoes. I did "attend" the inauguration with 210 of my favorite students at school. I did make it to class Tuesday and Thursday. I did plan an entire school wide community day for my school to celebrate on Wednesday. I did get my portfolio turned in to the district competition for Teacher of the Year. I did get my lifeguard recertification completed. I did make it to my workshop at Tulsa Air and Space Museum and Planetarium on Saturday.

I only ran Monday night. Got to work on that. Although, in light of the temperatures, maybe I am glad I didn't run? I applaud all of you who did. Especially the 60-70 of you who made it out on Saturday morning. Wow...